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Re: LOOK OUT! S-HTTP is NOT an RFC, NOT an Internet-Draft

Mr. Shirey is correct, the S-HTTP proposal is NOT an RFC, NOT, an "Experimental
Protocol" and NOT even an "Internet Draft". We were originally planning to
submit it as as Experimental Protocol in June, but some of our reviewers
suggested it needed a little more cooking first. We hope to submit it as
an experimental protocol or an I-D after the second draft is reviewed, in
mid October.

As to the perhaps misleading heading (to some, at least), this is an
artifact of our original plan which was, again, to submit the document
to the RFC editor soon after it was written (in June). My apologies to
any who were offended. Seems clear to me that I was claiming no particular
standing (yet), but I'll try to clean up my act in the future.
